find 目录 -mtime n其中,目录表示要搜索的目录路径,-mtime n表示要搜索的文件的修改时间。n表示时间的数量,可以为正数、负数或零。
1. 正数表示n天前的文件,例如-mtime +7表示修改时间在7天之前的文件。
2. 负数表示n天内的文件,例如-mtime -7表示修改时间在7天内的文件。
3. 零表示当天修改的文件,即-mtime 0表示当天修改的文件。下面是一个具体的例子来说明find命令中使用mtime选项的用法:
1. 查找7天之前修改过的所有文件:
find /path/to/dir -mtime +72. 查找7天内修改过的所有文件:
find /path/to/dir -mtime -73. 查找当天修改过的所有文件:
find /path/to/dir -mtime 0需要注意的是,在使用mtime选项进行搜索时,find命令会递归搜索指定目录及其子目录下的所有文件。
9个月前 -
The “find” command in Linux is a powerful tool that enables users to search for files and directories based on various criteria. One of the criteria that can be used with the “find” command is “mtime” (modification time), which allows users to find files and directories based on when they were last modified. Here are five key points about using the “find” command with “mtime”:
1. Basic syntax: The basic syntax for using “find” with “mtime” is as follows:
find [path] -mtime [n][path]: Specifies the starting directory for the search.
-mtime [n]: Specifies the number of 24-hour periods ago (where n>0) to search for files modified.2. Search for files modified n days ago: To search for files that were modified exactly n days ago, use the following command:
find [path] -mtime nFor example, to search for files modified exactly 7 days ago in the current directory, you would use:
find . -mtime 7This command will find all files in the current directory that were modified exactly 7 days ago.
3. Search for files modified within the last n days: To search for files that were modified within the last n days, use the following command:
find [path] -mtime -nFor example, to search for files modified within the last 3 days in the /home directory, you would use:
find /home -mtime -3This command will find all files in the /home directory that were modified within the last 3 days.
4. Search for files modified more than n days ago: To search for files that were modified more than n days ago, use the following command:
find [path] -mtime +nFor example, to search for files modified more than 30 days ago in the /var/log directory, you would use:
find /var/log -mtime +30This command will find all files in the /var/log directory that were modified more than 30 days ago.
5. Combining “mtime” with other criteria: The “find” command can be further customized by combining “mtime” with other criteria. For example, you can search for files modified within a specific time range, or combine “mtime” with other criteria such as filename, size, and permissions.
To search for files modified within a specific time range, you can use the “+n” and “-n” options together with a comma. For example, to search for files modified between 10 and 20 days ago, you would use:
find [path] -mtime +10 -mtime -20To combine “mtime” with other criteria, you can use logical operators such as “and” (-a), “or” (-o), and “not” (!). For example, to search for files modified within the last 7 days and with a .txt extension, you would use:
find [path] -name “*.txt” -a -mtime -7These commands demonstrate the flexibility of the “find” command in Linux and how it can be used with “mtime” to perform advanced searches based on file modification time.
9个月前 -
find [path] [option] [expression]
1. 基本使用:
find /path/to/search -mtime n
在指定路径/path/to/search下,查找被修改时间在n*24小时内的文件。2. 表示时间的格式:
在mtime选项中,n可以是整数,也可以是带有正负号的整数。如果n为正整数,则表示在n天之内被修改过的文件;如果n为负整数,则表示在n天之前被修改过的文件;如果n不带正负号,则表示正好在n天之前被修改过的文件。3. 示例:
– 查找7天之内被修改过的文件:
find /path/to/search -mtime -7
– 查找7天之前被修改过的文件:
find /path/to/search -mtime +7
– 查找正好7天之前被修改过的文件:
find /path/to/search -mtime 7