Q: What is the abbreviation for domestic database in English?
A: The abbreviation for domestic database in English is CNDB. CN stands for "China" and DB stands for "Database". It is commonly used to refer to databases that are developed and maintained within China.
Q: Are there any other abbreviations commonly used for domestic databases in China?
A: Yes, besides CNDB, there are a few other abbreviations that are commonly used for domestic databases in China. Some of them include CDB (China Database), DDB (Domestic Database), and IDB (Internal Database). These abbreviations are used to distinguish domestic databases from international or foreign databases.
Q: What are some popular domestic databases in China?
A: China has a vibrant domestic database ecosystem, with several popular databases being widely used. Some of the popular domestic databases in China include:
CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure): CNKI is a comprehensive scholarly database that covers a wide range of subjects, including literature, science, technology, and social sciences. It provides access to academic journals, conference proceedings, dissertations, and other research materials.
Wanfang Data: Wanfang Data is a database that specializes in Chinese academic and research literature. It provides access to journals, conference papers, patents, standards, and other research resources in various fields, such as science, engineering, medicine, and humanities.
CERNET (China Education and Research Network): CERNET is a national backbone network dedicated to serving the Chinese education and research community. It hosts a variety of databases and resources that cater to the needs of students, researchers, and educators across different disciplines.
VIP Information: VIP Information is a database that focuses on business and management-related information. It provides access to business news, market research reports, company profiles, financial data, and other business resources.
ChinaStat: ChinaStat is a database that provides statistical data on various aspects of China's economy and society. It covers areas such as population, agriculture, industry, trade, and finance. It is a valuable resource for researchers and policymakers interested in studying China's development.
These are just a few examples of the popular domestic databases in China. There are many other databases available that cater to different disciplines and research areas.